From joint research projects to public programming, the Natural Areas Conservancy strives to work closely with our partners and many other organizations to ensure that natural areas are managed and preserved.
Data sets for download
Why we are sharing our data with you
By providing access to select data sets that are a part of our research efforts, we can help ensure that urban forestry researchers and practitioners have the valuable information they need to make informed decisions about the care of our forests and wetlands.
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Available data sets
Name: New York City Forest Assessment Dataset
Description: This dataset provides information on species composition and other structural elements for forest habitats in New York City, NY, US. The data was collected within 1,347 10m radius plots distributed across forest and upland natural areas within 68 publicly owned and managed parks as part of the First Ecological Assessment of New York City.
What’s included: polygon shapefile of the study area; plot center coordinates; tabular data for species composition and abundance, and forest structural elements; and supporting documentation.
Last Updated: 12/23/2024
Geography: New York City, New York, US
Citation: Natural Areas Conservancy, 2019. New York City Forest Assessment Dataset. Natural Areas Conservancy, New York City.
Name: Ecological Covertype Map Level 2
Description: This dataset classifies 100% of NYC’s land and water area into 16 discrete classes, including multiple forest and wetland covertypes. This dataset was initially created in 2014 using 2010 LiDAR canopy data and other contemporary datasets, and as such does not represent changes to NYC’s landcover since then. This dataset is the best representation to-date of the distribution and extent of New York City ecological features, and is intended to be used for long-term monitoring and protection of the city’s ecological diversity.
What’s included: A 3-ft resolution raster dataset + documentation.
Last Updated: 6/30/2016
Geography: New York City, New York, US
Citation: Natural Areas Conservancy, 2016. Ecological Cover Type Map Level 2. Natural Areas Conservancy, New York City.
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November 04, 2024 Wetlands Mitigation Banking in New York City: Challenges and Opportunities
In New York City, tidal wetlands are a critical part of coastal resiliency and provide numerous ecological and social benefits. State and federal wetlands mitigation regulations require that development resulting in wetland impacts offset those losses through wetland creation, restoration, and enhancement – with a ...
August 14, 2024 Funding the Care of Urban Forested Natural Areas
This report presents a comprehensive overview of the challenges, benefits, and potential funding sources for urban forested natural areas in the United States. It emphasizes the critical need to diversify funding sources for these underfunded areas, which are distinct from other urban green spaces due to their size, biodiversity, and ...
Climate June 14, 2024 Forests in Cities Climate Tool
What is this tool? The tool below uses summarized data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration () to help users visualize changes in climate variables - including maximum temperature and precipitation - over time. This no code approach to figure creation allows for individuals to create custom figures for a broad ...