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13th Annual Riverkeeper Sweep at Bronx Forest

Join Super Stewards Field Associate and Teddy Bear Project greening group outreach at Burke Bridge inside Bronx Forest for a watershed clean-up.

This is a NY/NJ trail in the Bronx River corridor. Participants will roll up their sleeves and haul out litter and junk to beautify the trail. Please wear sturdy shoes and clothes that can get dirty. This is a rain or shine day of service. Use the registration link to RSVP.

The map shows the park meeting spot at Burke Bridge as well as the ADA park entrance at Rosewood st and Bronx Blvd.  The 2/5-train to Burke Ave is the closest subway station about 1.5 blocks from the park entrance. For more information please reach out via email to

May 4, 2024

11:00 am - 2:30 pm

Burke Avenue Bridge, Bronx River Forest

Bronx Riv Pkwy, Bronx, NY 10467

Teddy Bear Project