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Book Talk: Rescuing the Planet with Tony Hiss

Join the Natural Areas Conservancy and Cary Institute for a virtual book talk featuring author and scholar Tony Hiss. In conversation with Cary President Dr. Joshua Ginsberg and the Natural Areas Conservancy’s Executive Director Sarah Charlop-Powers, Hiss will discuss his new book: Rescuing the Planet – Protecting Half the Land to Heal the Earth.

In Rescuing the Planet, Hiss sets out on a journey to take stock of the “superorganism” that is the earth: its land, its elements, its plants and animals, its greatest threats – and what we can do to keep it, and ourselves, alive. Hiss invites us to understand the scope and gravity of the problems we face, and also makes the case for why protecting half the land is the way to fix those problems.

He highlights the important work of the many groups already involved in this fight, such as the Indigenous Leadership Initiative, the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, and the global animal tracking project ICARUS. And he introduces us to the engineers, geologists, biologists, botanists, oceanographers, ecologists, and other “Half Earthers” like Hiss himself who are allied in their dedication to saving our own planet from ourselves.

Join the conversation about Hiss’ latest work, and why organizations like Cary Institute and the Natural Areas Conservancy give him hope for a resilient future. This event is free and open to all. Please register via Eventbrite to receive Zoom log in info.

Funding for this event is provided in part by Harney & Sons Tea (Cary Institute) and Con Edison (Natural Areas Conservancy).

December 1, 2023

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Natural Area Conservancy