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Herbal Healing Workshop & Walking Tour with NAC + Anieto Henvill

On Saturday, September 17, the Natural Areas Conservancy and members of the Seton Falls Park Preservation Coalition will host a medicinal herb workshop in Seton Falls Park, the Bronx. We will be joined by Anieto Henvill, a local herbal medicine enthusiast, who will share her knowledge about the benefits of various medicinal herbs found in the park. We will walk through Seton Falls Park’s forest and wetland trail corridors and identify what we see and learn about various types of medicinal properties of local plants.

The hands-on and sensory-forward walk will be designed to engage participants in the natural areas, increase comfort in navigating the park, and share appreciation for the many benefits Seton Falls Park provides to the community. Seton Falls Park is a location for community stewards and visitors to increase their physical and mental well-being while learning about the natural land and plants that make up the unique park.

Neighbors of Seton Falls Park are encouraged to attend but everyone is welcome! Registration is required to attend. Please wear sturdy, closed-toe shoes and dress for the weather. Bring water and a snack if you wish. Walking will be on paved and unpaved forest trail.

Funding for this project is provided by a grant from the Long Island Sound Futures Fund administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

September 17, 2022

10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Seton Falls Park

Natural Area Conservancy