Winter Hike at Pelham Bay Park
Join us for a guided walk through the coastal and forested areas of New York City’s largest park. This diverse 2,700-acre park has plentiful forest and wetland natural areas and is home to significant wildlife. Ecologically speaking, Pelham Bay Park is the southern tip of New England and has characteristics quite distinct from the rest of New York City. Tour leader and ecologist Helen Forgione will show you how to identify trees in winter and interpret signs of wildlife, with a special eye toward owls and tracks. Included in the tour will be findings from the Natural Areas Conservancy’s two year-study documenting and analyzing forests and wetlands in New York City parklands. The walk and presentation will begin and end at the historic landmark 19th-century Bartow-Pell Mansion—with hot chocolate! Please be prepared with warm clothes, snow-ready walking shoes, and water if needed.